Bone Grafting for Ridge / Socket Preservation

Bone grafting for ridge or socket preservation is performed to preserve the bone that exists around a tooth after the tooth is extracted.  Normally, when a tooth is extracted, one can expect 25-50% bone loss or “melting away” of the bone within 6 months around the extraction socket. That represents a tremendous loss of bone volume and narrowing of the bony ridge that could, if preserved, provide much needed support for dental implants and give patients a more natural appearing tissue.  Extraction of teeth without bone grafting for ridge or socket preservation in the long run may lead to a far more complicated and extensive procedure(s) to regain the lost bone.

Bone grafting for ridge or socket preservation is a simple, minimally-invasive procedure that is very well tolerated by patients.  Bone grafting at time of tooth extraction may allow the patient to avoid major bone grafting in the future.  Preserving the bone is much easier than trying to gain back the bone that is lost.

It is recommended that dental implants be placed in a timely manner as recommended by Dr. Vahadi, usually in two to four months after the extraction and socket preservation bone grafting.  This will provide the best long term and more natural appearing result.  Keep in mind that the bone in the area is maintained while it is under function of a tooth or implant. The bone will still undergo bone loss or “melting away” if an implant is not inserted and placed in function even if socket preservation was performed at time of the tooth extraction.  Placement of implants in a timely manner is important to prevent further bone loss.